What’s the big issue with the MTA?

New York City’s transportation has not been the most the reliable type of transportation. The fare for the MTA has risen dramatically; where every cent counts. Since the year 2009, the public fare was $2.25. As the years carried on, continued to go up; in the year 2013, the cost increased a quarter, $2.50. Lastly, in 2015, the metro fare became $2.75. The fare prices increased because the MTA demanded higher pay, which is understandable, however, it should leave some money left over.

The MTA workers are getting paid to conduct trains, construct tracks, drive busses and maintain cleanliness, yet still fails to please NYC citizens. The trains and busses nearly break down making passengers late for work. Most of the time, public transportation is filthy. Thus being, there is vomit on the floors, urine on the ground; rumor has it NYC is ranked the dirtiest city in New York State. The actual question here is, where does the money go? There aren’t any improvements with sanitation and there aren’t any new busses or trains. So, where is the money going?

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